ENG 317: Journal 22

Dear Future Pepper Foundation Grantseekers, The first thing you really need to know as you begin this class is to hold your textbook close. This will be a hugely helpful tool as you begin the grant writing process. However, as you start to get a hang of this style of writing, it’s okay if you … [Read more…]

ENG 317: Journal 21

Because of the nature of the project we were all working on over the course of the class, there were many overlapping things I noticed as each group reflected on the process. The first successful thing that showed up in all groups was great group communication. Most, if not all, groups started off with a … [Read more…]

ENG 334: Blog 10

For my presentation, I plan on looking at The Scarlet Letter for the most part. My main idea connects to my group in the sense that I talk about how human rights are given or withheld based on how a being fits into the majority definition of what a human is. Examples of this include: … [Read more…]

ENG 317: Journal 20

I think the biggest thing my group needs to focus on for revision is making our pieces more cohesive. While reading over the parts that we have so far, I’m noticing a theme throughout. This theme is that it’s easy to tell that more than one person wrote these together. In revision, we should look … [Read more…]

ENG 317: Journal 19

The thing I noticed right off the bat from this chapter is that this section is ultimately the most important in the grant writing process because it details what will be done with the money. Funders are reading your grant proposals in order to give your organization money. So you definitely want to make sure … [Read more…]

ENG 317: Journal 18

Overall, this drafted evaluation plan is really professional and well thought out. I liked how you made sure to include both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods for CAMP. However, I feel like the main body of your plan was talking about how psychologists and participants in CAMP will be evaluating the qualitative success of your … [Read more…]

ENG 334: Blog 9

What is it saying generally? What specific phrases or ideas do you need to focus on? How does it connect to surrounding passages, or to the broader point of the essay? What interpretive questions does it raise for you? How would you present “the work” of this passage to another reader?   The passage I … [Read more…]

ENG317: Journal 16

The first thing I’m noticing from step 9 in the book is how the background component narrows down. This section ultimately focuses less on the grant like the rest of the sections and more on your organization itself. To me, this section is where you are giving your organization credibility and selling your organization instead … [Read more…]

ENG317: Journal 15

Prompt: Whether you intend to interview someone in-person, over the phone, or via email, what questions will you ask them about their experiences writing grant proposals. Individually, come up with 5 questions. Response:  -How long does the grant writing process for you from deciding you need extra grant money to putting it towards your program? … [Read more…]