ENG317: Journal 14

Prompt: Consider the 2 samples of Evaluation components in a grant proposal, in the link and in our reader on p. 60.  Besides the length differences, how would you describe the differences?  Is one seemingly missing information?  Is there too much in the other?  Explain in detail: 250 words. Response: The part of a grant proposal … [Read more…]

ENG 317: Journal 11

The talk with Professor Anderson was very enlightening for me. I especially liked how he explained how his organization worked in order to put it in perspective for us. One thing that’s really sticking out to me, though, is how much he talked about applying to more than one grant. He mentioned that most of … [Read more…]

ENG 334: Blog 7

Prompt: Compare O’Connor’s reading of the play to your own and assess its uses and limits. What is useful about her analysis that you would forward (and how)? What are some of its limits, in your view, and how would you counter them? You might also consider how Parks herself forwards or counters Hawthorne’s representation … [Read more…]

ENG 317: Journal 10

Project Overview: Previous to this project we seek to fund, our organization has only really been concerned with helping LGBT+ people with the travel costs that come with relocating to a new country. This new project at the Rainbow Railroad is aimed at helping these people in need past just the journey to a new … [Read more…]

ENG334: Blog 6

To begin my search for articles on the MLA bibliography, I thought about a possible topic I may be exploring with my midterm and ultimately my final presentation. The Scarlet Letter is the book that we’ve talked about that has stood out to me the most, so that’s where I started. Then I wanted to … [Read more…]

ENG317: Journal 9

The biggest thing that stood out to me from Step 4 in the book was the distinction they made between how they saw goals in relation to objectives. According to the book, goals are broad things/ideas/values that the organization wants to strive for. For example, a goal for my group’s organization, Rainbow Railroad, could be … [Read more…]

ENG334: Blog #5

Literature has certainly been a medium in which people hide political or social agendas behind the imagery. Look at Thomas Moore’s Utopia for example. Moore lived in an influential position that gained his status with his peers. However, he was fairly unhappy with the political power and the function of the state in England at that time. … [Read more…]

ENG317: Journal 8

Prompt: What challenges do you foresee moving deeper into your proposal project? Response: The proposal our group chose was our first one. This one seeks to provide temporary housing for LGBT+ immigrants who have been able to escape dangerous situations in their home countries who aren’t accepting. One huge problem I can already see us facing is … [Read more…]

ENG317: Journal 7

Prompt:  Have you ever been on a team—in school or another setting—whose members either avoided conflict to the group’s detriment or engaged in destructive conflict? Have you ever been on a team in which you noted a problem with a teammate’s work but didn’t point it out? What stopped you from providing feedback? Whichever scenario … [Read more…]