The main thing that I learned this semester was that you cannot rush the creative process. Lots of students (especially online students) try to save some work to do on the day that it’s is due. Sometimes assignments are pretty straight forward with a right way to do it, like math, and this method of procrastination can get you through a class. Even though this procrastination will not get you the great grades you’d like, it might get you by. However, I feel like this never really works with classes where you need to be creative. You can’t really sit down and write a short short story in one sitting. My advice to someone just starting a creative writing class is to start writing assignments as soon as possible. Then it isn’t as stressful when you work on it slowly throughout the week. Set up maybe a half hour every day to focus on one piece. That way, you will probably produce stronger pieces you can really be proud of after the class. Rushing creativity causes it to be strained and held back; we want creativity to flourish.