I’ve seen these types of memes before and I never knew that they were a certain category of meme. Going into this assignment, I had a few ideas. First off, I knew I wanted to do something with a photo I’ve actually taken myself instead of finding something from the internet. However, I did search around at present demotivational posters for inspiration. It took me awhile to look at a bunch of posters before I got the idea these memes were going for. It’s like pseudo-inspirational because they start out sounding inspirational (keep doing this) and end negatively (failing is entertaining). As for making my meme, I decided to make it on pages with text boxes, colored shapes and a photo of my best friend. I put a black square in the back since all the posters seemed to be like this. Then I chose a color for the border of the photo that would match something in it and then the title. I like that the colors make the poster more cohesive and pleasing to the eye. The idea for the text came when I thought about this picture of my best friend. I am always teasing them about taking artsy Instagram posts. The photos may look great on the phone, but sometimes the photographer has to get in some funky positions to get said photos.