Prompt: Identify one or two interesting things you picked up from reading the introduction in your textbook.

Response: I’ve always known that the grant writing process wasn’t a simple process that didn’t require lots of skill. However, I am pretty surprised by how many things an organization must have sorted out before they can even consider applying for a grant. I like that they mentioned that, in this day and age, it’s important that nonprofits and other businesses have a digital aspect to them. I always knew that having an online presence automatically sets you up for more exposure and thus success. However, I never really thought that that online presence would add power to a grant proposal. But I guess that will mainly benefit you in the form of online communication with grant funders. The part where the book talks about where all the funding comes from was very interesting for me to look at. I’m unsure if the ‘individuals’ category accounts for either donation from fundraising or individual wealthy funders or even both.

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