Overall, this drafted evaluation plan is really professional and well thought out. I liked how you made sure to include both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods for CAMP. However, I feel like the main body of your plan was talking about how psychologists and participants in CAMP will be evaluating the qualitative success of your program. It might be helpful to go into more detail about how patient statistics will be used to determine success. What do you mean by patient records and statistics and how will these numbers yield success? The part of the plan that talked about a baseline comparison was a little confusing to me personally. Do you mean that CAMP has a sort of general education for participants about substance abuse and how to combat it? Or do you mean something more along the lines of comparing patient knowledge and coping coming into the program with the place they’re at when they leave? Maybe make this description a little more clear by talking specifically about what the baseline comparison is. Also, were you going to include some type of community evaluation? Because I feel like you made that a goal in this plan but didn’t really speak about it in detail. Finally, I’d like to see more talk about what a positive report would look like. You did a great job of explaining your evaluation methods, but I’m unsure, as your reader, what kinds of reports from psychiatrists and participants would tell us that your program is successful. Other than those nitpicky details you could improve, I believe this is a very strong paper and your group seems to write and really well together. Keep up the good work!

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