Prompt: What do you hope to get out of this class? How will it help you in the future?

Response: I am definitely really looking forward to the skills I’ll leave this class with. With my English and Communication majors, I’m looking at a variety of different careers when I leave college. Most of them including jobs coming from a gap in skills people running an organization lack. In other words, people hire people with the skills to write grants and edit insurance policy when they can’t do it themselves. Because of my closeness to civil rights issues, I may end up working with a non-profit organization in the future. Having this grant writing skill and experience will definitely set me ahead in my work. Grants are one of the most important and hefty income sources non-profit organizations. Grant writing may be a very helpful skill for me to have since that position could be a great fit for an English major like me with a non-profit. So I’m really glad I have the opportunity to be in this class.

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