When I think about how I would place myself in a social justice non-profit organization, my mind instantly goes to something involving writing or editing. I have always been a strong writer all throughout school because it comes so naturally to me. However, I have also had numerous opportunities to develop my strong writing skills outside of education itself. I am currently a writing fellow here at UNE that is ultimately a peer writing tutor helping students in an English Composition class dive into the process of writing and ultimately improve their essay writing skills. I am also highly familiar with a number of electronic tools that may help with the grant writing process. For example, I have worked on my e-portfolio very closely in order to make sure it is visually appealing as well as easy to navigate. I’m also highly familiar with different software such as spreadsheets, email, WordPress, Microsoft Word, etc. So the planning/recording process may be a good place for me. Planning mostly because I try to be highly organized most of the time. Plus I am the Secretary of the Alliance club on campus and thus have social justice education experience as well as recording/communication experience.