Prompt: What challenges do you foresee moving deeper into your proposal project?

Response: The proposal our group chose was our first one. This one seeks to provide temporary housing for LGBT+ immigrants who have been able to escape dangerous situations in their home countries who aren’t accepting. One huge problem I can already see us facing is how we will determine how much money we should be asking for. This will be a very expensive project considering the fact that we have to build/find a housing complex to house these people. Then the housing payments are paid for them for a couple of months. We want to make sure to ask for enough, but not go too much (if it were in real life). So we may have to do a little research when determining the amount we’ll be asking for. Maybe looking at other organizations who have provided housing for people in need would be helpful to put our ideas in perspective. Another problem we will and have encountered is the organization of our ideas. Since we are all collaborating equally on a writing piece, there may be sections that have lots of overlap and restated information. To work through this, we should be careful to read through everything to make sure it’s cohesive, but not repetitive and it progresses smoothly.

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