My daughter was visiting from college. She found a heart-shaped bean in her dinner with us last night. When her eyes happened upon the bean, they immediately welled up with tears. “It’s a sign!” she wailed through her hands. As you could imagine, her father and I found ourselves both concerned and confused by the scene. “What’s a sign, honey?” I asked tenderly, leaning over to examine the plate in front of my daughter. “The bean that’s left. It’s a heart.” she whimpered between hiccups. Again, my eyebrows furrowed as I looked toward my husband for some kind of idea about what may be going on here. But I was met with only a shrug. “Nana’s here.”

“I’m seeing a woman. She’s very short- no. She’s sitting down.” The medium announced in front of a small crowd of five people. My daughter glanced up from her folded hands as the woman pointed in her direction. “This woman sits behind you. I’m getting an intense pain in both of my legs. Did you know anyone with a leg injury?” Instantly my daughter remembered my mother because she was a double amputee. They’d only known each other for a short time, however, they were always very close. “She’s sitting on your right side so she must be on your mother’s side of the family?” the medium edged on and my daughter just nodded. She’d only come to the session on recommendation of a friend going through similar things. “This woman wants to tell you that she’s leaving you signs in the shape of hearts in order to let you know that she’s here with you. Keep an eye out for these signs. They will lead you through the toughest of times.”

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