I was first interested in the idea of using time in writing fiction. Depending on the era, year, time of day, or season, the reader may get a different idea about what is happening in the story. If the same story were to be told in different eras, the context of the story may be drastically different. This is kind of dark, but for example, a story that speaks about the experience of whipping that takes place during the time of legal slavery in the United States would be much different from someone being whipped in 2020. Either way, it’s horrible for the person receiving the torture. However, in the United States in 2020, this may happen in a more private setting because the whipper would face lawful repercussions and social shunning for committing such an act. Back in the 40s and 50s, it was lawfully ok for people to have slaves and whip those slaves. Also, a story that takes place at midnight in the city is much different than one that happens in the middle of the afternoon. Moods may often come with those time periods. 

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