Before reading this chapter, I could never really grasp the concept of the voice of the writer like the author mentioned in the beginning. I’d always thought it was just the voice of each character. I never got how some authors were described to have a unique voice. How could the voice be theirs if the story is being told by the characters? What was really helpful for me in this chapter was where they made the distinction between voice and style. Ultimately, everything in the story will be affected by the writing style. They described the style as the technical choices a writer makes to structure their story. Voice comes as a result of those choices. For example, a writer may choose to have a lot of repeating, short sentences and the resulting voice from that can be shell-shocked or disoriented. I’m still not sure if a writer can have one overarching voice for all of their work. But they can adopt a style depending on what each character is feeling. 

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