Right off the bat, I’d never really thought of observation as an essential interview skill in journalism. However, taking photos, audio and video is part of this and helps the journalist tell the story. This makes sense now. The book uses an example of a protest. The journalist attending the scene to report on it should make sure they write down what people have on their signs and describe what’s happening on the scene. They shouldn’t just rely on the media they collect. I can see this as also being essential during a natural disaster or other events that are sensitive. Interviewing people may not be good at that moment. So, the journalist can observe. I also like how this chapter talked about how a journalist must approach different types of people. It was interesting to hear that journalists have the right to speak more openly with public officials because they’re used to talking with media outlets. However, more private people must be interviewed in a more sensitive manner whereas much may not be revealed. Either way, recording interviews is an essential skill for accuracy and remembering key details that can’t be written down. 

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