My biggest concern with this project was that it would be very difficult to come up with a story from the life of someone that you don’t really know very well. One part of that chapter that helped me right away was the part about turning points. I didn’t think a profile would be framed around a person in this way. I thought that you’d focus on one main aspect of them and how that came to be in their life. However, the book advises that we look for patterns, decisive moments and the future of those moments in order to set up our profile. They call this the GOAL model: goals, obstacles, achievements and logistics/background. This makes so much more sense to me now. Goals are what drive people and will ultimately drive the story. Then speak about the journey to the goal. What obstacles has the person faced on the way to reaching their goals? Have they achieved it? It’s also very important to give background on the person. That can be along the lines of their past/upbringing or the background on their goal. When I go to write my profile, I will probably go off of the elements of a profile in order to make sure I have what I need and don’t miss anything in the interview. I feel like follow up questions may be at play here. 

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