There is always a ton of great feedback coming from this group. The first thing that came up a lot was suggestions on how to strengthen one’s headline and lead to draw the reader in. This is always the most important thing in journalism because if the reader isn’t interested from the very beginning, they aren’t likely to continue reading. Suggestions about these ranged from specifying the information to even making it more emotional to grab attention and have people relate more. It was nice to hear other people’s perspectives on each article. Like Ravin’s for example seemed to be aimed at people who already knew Dr. Stevenson. However, a couple people noted that it wasn’t as interesting for people who didn’t know him. So suggestions of altering the perspective can be helpful. Many people also commented on organization tips. Writing a first draft can often seem like you just threw everything onto a page and hope it makes sense. However, having others look over the paper as a whole can really show how moving things around can help with any confusion a reader might have. Some suggested writers move around paragraphs to have a smoother flow of information while others felt like just expanding on interesting/underdeveloped points would suffice.

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