The fist big things that almost every editor talked about for each article this week was perfecting the lead. I feel like this is a really hard thing to do well and it’s nice to be able to have some feedback from other people about how to improve it. Many people suggested making sure your lead reveals your main ideas/theme of the rest of your article. It works as a sort of thesis in a way by drawing readers in since they know what your article is about and they’re still interested in reading more. With the COVID-19 article this week, there were a couple comments about the basic factual information in them. Some of them were about making sure writers don’t dwell too much on that information since it’s widespread already so they can focus on the unique perspectives of their sources. However, it’s still important to include some of that information, but keep it updated. With stories like this where information about is constantly being updated and evolved, it’s essential to keep up to date since your article can become outdated faster than you can publish it.

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